
Add a script into pug template
Add a script into pug template

add a script into pug template

The pug-plugin is designed to replace these plugins to make Pug easier to use and faster to compile.Ĭonst path = require ( 'path' ) const PugPlugin = require ( 'pug-plugin' ) module. The Pug loader is already included in the Pug pluginĭon't use the pug-plugin together with html-webpack-plugin and mini-css-extract-plugin. Remove empty JS files generated by the mini-css-extract-plugin Just one Pug plugin replaces the functionality of many plugins and loaders used with Pug: Package

add a script into pug template

  • support the responsive-loader, see docs and usage example.
  • support the postprocess for modules to handle the extracted content.
  • enable/disable extraction of comments to *.LICENSE.txt file.
  • in HTML and CSSīackground: url('./icons/iphone.svg') // CSS: url("data:image/svg+xml.")
  • inline image as base64 encoded data-URL for PNG, JPG, etc.
  • support the module types asset/resource asset/inline asset.
  • Not need more additional plugin such as resolve-url-loader
  • resolves source files of URLs in CSS and extract resolved resources to output path.
  • generated HTML contains hashed CSS and JS output filenames.
  • extracts JS from source script loaded in Pug via a script tag.
  • extracts CSS from source style loaded in Pug via a link tag.
  • add a script into pug template

    compiles HTML files from Pug files defined in Webpack entry.Pug file is entry-point for all resources (styles, scripts).Multi-language pages using i18next ( source).How to split multiple node modules and save under own names.How to import style from node_module in SCSS.How to load JS and CSS for browser from node_modules in Pug.How to keep the source folder structure in output directory for all resources like fonts.How to keep the source folder structure in output directory for all Pug files.How to keep the source folder structure in output directory for individual Pug files.Using Pug in JavaScript with compile method.Using Pug in JavaScript with render method.Using JS, SCSS, images and fonts with Pug.

    Add a script into pug template